The timeless beauty of vintage jewelry
The day was in 1963…I wore a strand of pearls to school and my world changed. I spent many days dreaming of owning my own strand. So an 18th birthday gift of pearls was a great send off into the world. I don't think I have gone without pearls since. (Don't ask how many years!).
My love of costume vintage has been a joy ride for over 40 years and has allowed me to meet many knowledgeable designers, dealers and collectors.
Traveling to CJCS conventions was truly a dream come true! During my first convention I was paired up with Marcia “Sparkles” Brown. I had the opportunity to meet many well known collectors, view amazing pieces and received confirmation that I was on the right track with my collection.
I follow many Facebook sites and my little library of reference materials has been a big help. One book in particular by Judith Miller led me to Church Street in London England, which only fueled my Stanley Hagler collection, a few Lea Steins and I have to blame my Delillo collection on my good friend, Carlos King. In the last 4 decades, I’ve carefully chosen pieces including many Miriams, Vrba, Sorrel, Delillo, Hobe, Caviness, Coppola, Mandel and KJL, some parures and other unsigned large bibs.
I have gathered pearls to wear for every occasion, from kayaking, aqua-fit & horseback riding to driving a Volvo truck for 3 seasons in a gravel pit! I have collected some over the top, downright gorgeous pieces over the years but like all children, it’s time to leave the nest. All of my babies need to go to a new home where their new minders can wear with excitement, merriment and pride of ownership. Enjoy the Shiny Stones fellow Magpies .